September 22, 2024

Day 25 : Exploring Mission Modi 2024 in Yadgiri

Day 25 : Exploring Mission Modi 2024 in Yadgiri
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In the heart of Yadgiri, under the blazing sun’s fiery glow, Mission Modi 2024 surged with vigor, the fervor did show. Bulletrani Maa. Rajalaxmi, a beacon of strength and might, Urged youth and women to vote, for a future bright.

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Blessings from Poojya Dr. Sharnbaswappa Appa ji did bestow, Upon Maa Maa Rajalaxmi, for the rally’s success to grow. Through Yadgiri’s bustling streets, she rode with pride, Drawing cheers, igniting passion, with each stride.

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Engaging with the locals, her message clear and loud, Every vote counts, for progress to be endowed. Bulletrani Maa. Rajalaxmi, her energy unbound, Inspired hope, as unity in the crowd was found.

As the sun dipped low, and shadows began to fall, The rally in Yadgiri stood tall, united, one and all. Led by Bulletrani Maa. Rajalaxmi, the journey ahead, Promises purpose and progress, with no shred of dread.

With Modi’s vision guiding, Bharat shines ever bright, In Yadgiri’s streets, hope soared to new heights.

Spread the love♥️
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